by Dr. Jude Fabiano | Oct 16, 2019 | Dentist, Dentistry, Dr. Jude Fabiano, Jude Fabiano
October is National Dental Hygiene Month! It’s probably more exciting for those in the dental industry than it is for the general public, but this month serves as a great opportunity for us all to focus on maintaining our dental hygiene. Here are a few steps you can...
by Dr. Jude Fabiano | Oct 12, 2019 | Dentist, Dentistry, Dr. Jude Fabiano, Jude Fabiano
Once again, it’s the time of year when Halloween candy is a staple in kids’ diets. Dressing up and collecting candy from all the neighborhood’s houses is fun, but it can also be bad for kids’ oral health. The bacteria in a child’s mouth thrives on the excess sugar....
by Dr. Jude Fabiano | Oct 7, 2019 | Dentist, Dentistry, Dr. Jude Fabiano, Jude Fabiano
Anyone who regularly consumes coffee, tea or red wine knows that what we ingest can affect the whiteness of our smile. For people who want a white smile but don’t want to change their diet, there are professional and over-the-counter options for teeth whitening. Both...
by Dr. Jude Fabiano | Oct 2, 2019 | Dentist, Dentistry, Dr. Jude Fabiano
Emotional intelligence is a way to measure a person’s ability to connect with others. When a person can recognize emotions in others and react appropriately, it can lead to a better experience in both professional and personal relationships. There are many ways to...
by Dr. Jude Fabiano | Sep 10, 2019 | Dentist, Dentistry, Dr. Jude Fabiano
Gargling with salt water is often touted as an anti-inflammatory home remedy. Passed down across many generations, scientific research has concluded that gargling with warm salt water is actually very healthy indeed. The salt mixed with warm-to-hot water actually...
by Dr. Jude Fabiano | Sep 9, 2019 | Dentistry, Dr. Jude Fabiano
The Indian Lilac, or Azadirachta indica, is an evergreen tree that is native to India. It is the only source for the herb known as neem. The extract from the neem herb has historically been used as a way of fending off mosquitoes, fleas, moths, and termites. There are...