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October is National Dental Hygiene Month! It’s probably more exciting for those in the dental industry than it is for the general public, but this month serves as a great opportunity for us all to focus on maintaining our dental hygiene.

Here are a few steps you can take this month to ensure optimal oral health.

1. Ask about your family history
If you don’t already have an accurate family history of oral health conditions, now is a great time to ask your family for more information. Properly caring for your oral health can minimize the chances of developing many conditions, but it’s good to know what you and your dentist should be looking out for.

Common conditions that have a genetic component include gum disease, tooth decay, oral cancer, and misaligned teeth or jaws.

2. Buy a new toothbrush
According to the American Dental Association, it’s best to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. If you can’t remember the last time you changed your toothbrush, it’s probably time. Always pick a toothbrush with soft bristles to protect your gums.

If you prefer a manual brush, it’s best to choose one with either multi-level bristles or angled bristles because they perform better. Some people find that a powered toothbrush is easier to use. This is especially true for those with dexterity problems, such as the elderly, children and people with disabilities. Both manual and powered toothbrushes are effective at removing plaque when used correctly, so you can’t go wrong either way.

Many dental professionals also recommend switching toothbrushes within a few days of recovering from an illness. This is especially true for anyone with a compromised immune system.

3. Schedule your bi-annual teeth cleaning with your dentist
You should have your teeth professionally cleaned and examined every 6 months. October is a great time to schedule your appointment because we’re all liable to forget once the excitement of the holiday season rolls around.

Personally, I recommend scheduling your next appointment before you leave an appointment. You can always reschedule the appointment for another day or time if necessary, but it’s the best way to ensure that you continue seeing the dentist regularly.

4. Spread the word!
Once you’ve made strides in taking care of your own oral health, be sure you encourage others to do the same. Put National Dental Hygiene Month on the radar for your friends, family and co-workers.

It is also a great opportunity for you to show appreciation for the dental professionals in your life, whether they be dental hygienists, receptionists, dentists, or educators.

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